Saturday, November 18, 2006

On the Road Again

When George Bush takes off to places he's never been and can't even pronounce, I feel both relief and pity. Relief for us that he's on the road again, and pity for the poor nations who surely view his visit as more of an invasion...

When Bush visited London a couple of years ago, he got ticked off because the Queen wouldn't rebuild the palace just for his overnight stay. When he left, his helicopter destroyed much of the famous rose garden that has been in existance for centuries. When he visited Africa, he demanded they bulldoze homes and cut down trees so they could widen the road and hide poverty, thus offering the media a better photo op. Host countries are forced to evacuate schools and entire towns, sweep people out of their homes and into football fields and other open areas, where they must remain until Bush leaves.

Wherever Bush goes, destruction both precedes and follows him. His secret service and military entourage brings humvees, helicopters, and bulletproof limos for his convoy through city streets that have been swept clean of humanity...

Bush is on his way to Indonesia now, where they are building helipads in a beautiful park so that he can descend into their handpicked midst like the American Eagle he perceives himself to be --pads expensive to build and more expensive to remove and the damage to the ancient park must be repaired...

The good thing about a Bush visit is he brings his own food, personal chef and "food tasters." He also has a team who catches and packages his crap when he takes a dump so it can be sent home to flush...

I was asked recently if I thought the desperately poor Indonesia should bear the costs. Of course. Any country stupid enough to allow Bush to set foot on its soil should have to pay. Big time.


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