Friday, September 30, 2005


Anybody notice that people are calling Air America Radio hosts every day, every show, plaintively complaining -- "We are losing Air America in this area"..."They're taking Air America off next week"... "Why did my radio station cut Air America?"

Anybody consider that these "fans" of progressive radio are right-wing plants? The smear campaigns of the likes of Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh were monumental failures, resulting only in increased numbers of people checking out what has these two insane, neocon mongrels so upset. Pay attention. Worried callers are hitting every Air America Radio show every day with multiple complaints that the "voice of the left" is disappearing from the scene. And the calls are getting more frequent -- as many as two calls per three-hour show.

It's ingenious. What better way to get people's attention, especially prospective advertisers, than to pose as a worried progressive? People don't believe O'Reilly or Limbaugh, but why should they question the motives of some little ol' lady who in essence is telling people not to listen to Air America Radio because it's going off the air anyway...

Air America is being "Roved," or at least "swift-boated." If they can force people like station CEO Danny Goldberg to defend against a relentless, orchestrated attack that Air America is in dire financial shape; if they can compel on-air personnel to spend time denying rumors that stations across nation are kicking them off the airwaves, that is valuable time spent NOT exposing the stench of Stinky and the Vulcans...

Goldberg notes a series of blatant lies by John Mainelli, who wrote in a recent New York Post piece, "Air America is in ... bad financial shape." Mainelli cites Bill O'Reilly on Fox News which, like the New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, who said that Air America "could be on its last legs."

Speaking of O'Reilly, he is getting ever more frantic because Air America is busting his ass in the ratings game. O'Reilly must buy into the adage that if you repeat a lie often enough, loudly enough, people will believe it. On August 17, O'Reilly claimed, "Air America -- nobody is listening to it." After the ratings in New York City had Air America on top of O'Reilly's show, he brayed nervously, "The Air America radio network continues to fail with catastrophic ratings here in New York City."

Air America Radio personalities should refuse to be drawn into time-consuming discussions with adoring "fans" who want to discuss the demise of the station. They should tell them to hit the road -- and don't look back, because something is gaining on them...


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