Friday, January 13, 2006


By bneal
Poet, artist

Who planned in hardened bunkers regime change for oil?

Who promised food for oil but stole it back?

Who fought with weapons of depleted uranium, poisoning a generation of Arabs?

Who denied “gulf war syndrome” in our own young warriors as they sickened and died, or just sickened and stayed that way?

Who sold her soul to the Corporation and worshipped Outsourcing?

Who condemned to slow death by sanction millions of the “Enemy” young and old?

Who maintained the “no fly zone” by regular bombings of military and “suspected military targets”?

Who sold arms and equipment stamped with the Halliburton logo to the enemy during the sanctions and got richer?

Who ignored warnings and, when attacked, used the deaths of 3,000 to mercilessly lead us into war?

Who disregarded millions of African and South American deaths under many administrations?

Who has busily involved herself in the choosing of Latin American Leaders, almost always supporting the most repressive regime?

Who lied...who lied and lied and lied?

Who sold her soul for oil and power and gave a blow job to the Christ to signal the police?

Who professes the belief in, and a direct line to, the will of God?

Who is God’s partner in ridding the earth of evildoers?

Who disregards the hundreds of thousands dead in Somalia with the consent of Oil Seekers?

Who disregards the millions who die on unsafe highways, or from eating corporate food that lines their arteries as it lines the pockets of the mega food executives?

Who names her laws for the opposite of their intent —- clear skies initiative, leave no child behind?

Who is the Whore of Babylon who sends jobs offshore and brings semi-legal bonded worker immigrants to take the ones who are left?

Who can’t drill for oil in the middle of Somali villages, so cleanses away the dusky dwellers via unruly Janjaweed, meaning "a man with a horse and a gun"?

Who thinks every circumstance is a good reason to dig up wilderness to find oil, to increase tax cuts to the few, the elite, the rich?

Who equates dark skin with being less human and, therefore, their deaths are collateral damage?

Who considers her own young warriors to be frangible instead of beautiful, rare and tragic?

Who would take power without honor and claim God had a hand in it?

Who would steal two elections in a formerly free country and call it a "mandate"?

Who IS the whore of Babylon?

George W. Bush


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