Sunday, March 30, 2008

When Donkeys Fly...

Of course there had to be Arabs on those planes -- how else could the murderers in the White House justify the genocidal assault and occupation of Iraq? And, if the immediate blaring of Bin Laden as being the mastermind wasn't enough, photos of the 19 perps were blazoned on every media outlet within hours of the attack. Still not convinced? Well, lookie here -- three passports and a bandana floating unsinged from the blazing inferno -- landing at the feet of the FBI...

Orwell said "The people will believe what the media tells them they believe." Not what the media tells them TO believe, but tells them they believe.

Well, I have a tendency to believe my own lying eyes. And anyone who has ever seen one -- just one -- controlled demolition knew by 9:30 am on 9-11 what happened.

Of course I have questions, but how hot steel has to get to sever myriads of beams cleanly into the exact lengths to fit onto waiting trucks and be rushed out of the country isn't one of them.

I want to know about...

1. Neil Bush's security company, which was responsible for security not only for the World Trade Center, but for the two airports from which the planes were hijacked.

2. The put stock option flurry on 9-10-01.

3. The security "stand down" the week before 9-11 so computer technology could be "upgraded." Workmen came and went, undeterred, throughout that period -- bomb sniffing dogs removed. Busy...busy...busy...

4. Building 7 falling neatly into its own footprints shortly after owner Larry Silverstein announced on TV that it was to be "pulled."

5. The lies and omissions of the criminal 9-11 Commission. Please read Chapter Two of David Ray Griffin's "Debunking 9/11 Debunking" for the sheer ghoulish audacity of this investigation. Condi's bud, Philip Zelikow, was executive director of the Commission, the primary author of the doctrine of preemptive warfare. Griffin says Zelikow "drove and organized the staff's work...called the shots...skewed the investigation and ran it his own way." When the report was complete, it was submitted to Zelikow and the White House who "edited" it before publication...

All roads lead back to 9-11. Everything this monstrous gang has done for the past five years is a direct result of 9-11. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are wounded, disabled, dead because of 9-11. Thousands of Afganistanis and millions of Iraqis have been slaughtered or displaced because of 9-11...

And I am to fret over how hot steel gets before it causes three buildings to collapse in "controlled demolition" fashion for the first -- and last -- time in history? That will happen -- when donkeys fly.


At 10:36 AM, Blogger tullyccro said...


All roads do not lead to 9/11.

The struggle between these two ideas: that people should be allowed to consciously and responsibly govern themselves, and, conversely, that people are most content when they are well-fed and lied to, is an old one, and as you know, reaches back thousands of years.

Within our own government, this conflict was held in check by only one leader, the closest we've ever had to a king, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.

The Hamiltonian/Jeffersonian rift continues, and has seen bloodshed, rebellion and violence for 200 years. It is irreconcilable. We are witnessing the culmination of Hamiltonian philosophy, where international finance, executive privilege, and unchecked executive force reigns superior.

Hamilton gave us the bank, and saddled us with the burden of constantly opposing the will of grasping groups of selfish, wealthy men, who would usurp, abuse, and abolish legal authority. This task is so time-consuming that it is impossible for us to even think about governing ourselves, when we must constantly defend ourselves and others from the designs of rich, selfish, unprincipled, criminal financiers, and the corporations and international financial societies they use to subvert the legal rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution, a document they read in Ivy League schools only so that they can learn to subtly abuse it.

At 10:42 AM, Blogger tullyccro said...

And if you look back far enough into the current junta's history, you'll find that it stretches back to WWII and before. To rivalries and hostilities between individuals in the intelligence community and individuals in government, rivalries that were so great, and so bitter, that the praetorians murdered the emperor, setting the standard for any ambitious criminals.

Cheney was Reagan's man, and Nixon's man before, and Nixon was a criminal placed in power by criminals.


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